
Early education has a great impact on children's love of sports. Courses that are implemented within the scope of a qualified program and on time help children both start to regard sports differently and establish good relationships. You can provide the best for your child with our GymKids Kağıthane Kids’ Club programs that make children love sports while entertaining them and allowing them to discover their untapped potentials!


Hafta İçi Toplam Grup Sayısı 6
1 Gruptaki Öğrenci Sayısı 15
Toplam Kapasite 90
Ders Saatleri Pazartesi-Çarşamba 16:30, 17:30, 18:30
Ders Saatleri Salı-Perşembe 16:30, 17:30, 18:30

Hafta Sonu Toplam Grup Sayısı 8
1 Gruptaki Öğrenci Sayısı 15
Toplam Kapasite 120
Ders Saatleri 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00

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Hafta Sonu Toplam Grup Sayısı 7
1 Gruptaki Öğrenci Sayısı 15
Toplam Kapasite 105
Ders Saatleri 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00

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Yahya kemal Mh. Şair Sk. No:2
Kağıthane Final Okulları Kampüsü

  • Çalışma Saatleri

P.tesi – Pazar     11.00 – 20.00


The only thing you need to do to enroll in swimming courses that increase your children’s muscle strength, gymnastics courses to help them gain body flexibility, or summer camps that make it easier for them to meet different people while having a pleasant time is to register your name for one of the Kağıthane Kids’ Club programs!

Kağıthane Kids’ Swimming Course

Swimming is one of the sports that children enjoy the most because all children generally enjoy spending time in the water. Kids’ swimming courses, which are especially designed for children to have fun together, are ideal for learning swimming at an early age. Swimming, a sport that requires the use of the whole body, benefits children in many ways and is effective in preventing early developmental problems. Problems such as posture disorders, wrong eating habits or cardiovascular problems can all be prevented in the early period with the qualified swimming trainings offered at GymKids Kağıthane Kids’ Club programs. In general, it is enough to start fun swimming lessons by taking a Kağıthane Kids’ swimming course in order for children to grow up as conscious individuals, gain body and sports awareness, and have a successful academic life in the future.

With GymKids Kağıthane swimming courses, a pleasant, instructive and safe program designed by taking into consideration the ages of the children, we aim to make every child fall in love with swimming in an entertaining manner. With the Kağıthane swimming course, which we carry out under the supervision of expert coaches fitted with new generation equipment, we engage your children in a healthy and hygienic pool program. We categorize our Kağıthane Kids’ Club groups with a maximum capacity of 15 people into different time intervals on weekdays and weekends, thus making it possible for each child to get the most specialized training they need at the time slot they desire. After teaching the basics such as breathing techniques and water posture habits, we do our best to help children swim with the help of a coach and then on their own.

We ensure that children learn togetherness, and we help them gain individual body awareness. We involve them in all of the comprehensive trainings that will be very useful for them in the future and help them develop their communication skills in the GymKids Kağıthane Kids’ Club program. You can contact us at any time to take swimming lessons in Kağıthane for various levels and get information on the fees of the Kağıthane swimming courses!

Kağıthane Kids’ Gymnastics Course

Gymnastics, which develops children mentally as well as physically, is among the sports branches recommended to be taken up especially after the age of 3 and up to a certain age. Gymnastics, which is divided into different types such as artistic, rhythmic and general, is offered under the supervision of expert coaches in our Kağıthane branch. You can back your children to grow up as versatile individuals in Kağıthane Kids’ Club gymnastics courses!

Gymnastics, which is a part of GymKids Kağıthane Kids’ Club, is a type of sport that aims to help children recognize their own bodies and learn new disciplines such as agility and balance. Kids’ gymnastics courses, which lends children flexibility, not only strengthens their physique, but also aims to raise more conscious individuals by solving problems such as trouble in focusing. Kağıthane children’s gymnastics lessons, which are given under the supervision of expert instructors and in a sterile environment, also aim to help children master task completion and become responsible individuals. By that, in addition to contributing to the development of sports life and sports personality, it also contributes to academic life and positive thinking.

Your children can develop new skills by starting our GymKids Kağıthane Kids’ gymnastics courses, which we designed for different purposes, professionally or as a hobby. With the Kağıthane Kids’ Club gymnastics programs, which have a very comprehensive content, we primarily aim to attain body awareness and fitness in every child, while we  contribute to the following developments:

  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Power
  • Muscle and nerve coordination
  • Motor skill development
  • Fast learning system
  • Concentration and focus
  • A sense of responsibility
  • Discipline
  • Conscious lifestyle learning
  • Time management skills
  • Togetherness and sharing
  • Awareness of sports, athleticism and body awareness

You can call us immediately to enroll your children in Kağıthane Kids’ swimming course programs or Kağıthane Kids’ gymnastics courses where they will learn different skills!

Kağıthane Kids’ Summer Camp

GymKids Kağıthane summer camp is ideal for increasing your child’s success in school, making them more active in social life and learning what they are interested in. Kağıthane Kids’ summer camp, which is a part of the children’s course trainings, brings together many interesting activities ranging from drama to theater, from swimming to chess and from nature walks to robotic technology. Thanks to the Kağıthane Kids’ summer camp organized in groups, you can plan a fun holiday that will make your children love sports, make new friends and develop new skills.

You can contact us about Kağıthane Kids’ Club programs for the most suitable courses for your child’s level, and you can enroll in Kağıthane Kids’ swimming courses or qualified summer camps henceforth!

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